卧龙小说网> 悬疑灵异> Everyonesfine> sec 6

sec 6

sec 6

on the other hand Azura is still pursuing her music dream in the past few years.and she find a music company.......

A: I heard your company is the top one. I wish i could be a conductor in a famous orchestra .i have been pursuing the dream for over 10 years now

CO: I promise what you hear is one hundred percent true. Our company is one of the most great companies. There are lots of stars in my company. Join us you will see that you get more than a job .we will tell you all kinds of useful things about the skill of conduction and how to compose so you will be a truly musician.

A: That is fantastic. I will get involved in it .where do I sign?

CO: Here. OK perfect.

CO: OK. Now go and play the drum

A: Excuse me? I am here for the conductor not drummer.

CO: I will tell you what. No one could be a conductor in one day. You need to start from basics.

A:You didn't say that just now.

Co: I said what. Just follow my orders. If not see here you need to pay one billion.

A:What? I don't have money.

C o: Then my little girl you have to that. Hurry I have no time to waste with you stupid guy.

A: Dad nice to see you!

Ch: Azura...i always hear that you are a conductor...

A: i have never said I was conducting Dad.

CH: Yeah well your sister said you were doing well that you were conducting and composing and doing your music.

A:I am doing my music. It's percussion. It suits me just fine.

CH: But the drum?

A:It' low pressure and I enjoy it. I get to travel the money's fine

I got no ties.

CH: Everybody said that you had a talent that you had a future.

A: People are polite Dad. You know they don't always tell you the truth.

The truth is I was never quite good enough.

CH: But all that education and now you're disappointed?

A; I'm not disappointed but you obviously are.

CH; No I'm not disappointed.

A: sorry dad. You can go now. I have got used to this kind of live. Don’t worry about me. I’m sorry.

ch: ok take care. Anyway have you heard about something about your sister Stacey?

A: No and sorry dad. I need to go to Argentina with band so..

Ch: So you can’t stay with me right? I understand....



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