卧龙小说网> 奇幻玄幻> 游戏与现实的分割线> 5.作死的结果



angelila koko开始慢慢地靠近我说:“i’ll continue training you after the punishment is over so don’t worry relax and take the punishment like a good boy.”


“what ya think?”angelila koko停了下来,就像是等着我的回复似的。








“sigh i think we have given master plenty of time to escape. now we have to catch him. don’t you think so? ying xue?”angelila koko叹了一口气后转过头对着浮在水上的桜雪说道。


“sigh...”angelila koko又叹了一口气,之后她用一只手抓住桜雪,挺认真地问:“right now i have a plan to catch master on his track but i do want you to help will you do it?”


听到桜雪说的这句话后angelila koko微笑着点了点头,之后开始一步一步的说明接下来的作战方案“first im gonna activate the teleportation that master designed as a safety option for both you and me this will teleport us to master’s location. second you are going to toss this item toward master. don’t worry it does no damage which means master won’t die from it.”说着,angelila koko给了桜雪一个敌人束搏器(一个束搏一个人的行动的爪子加一根绳子)。

“lastly we just need to pull master out of the car he is riding on and that is it. got that?”


“i now really wish i did this alone...”

angelila koko和桜雪将自己的手放在自己的胸前,闭上眼睛后一个魔法阵出现在她们的身边,转眼间她们在会长和新人的眼前消失了。






“没有追上来真是太好了!自由万岁!当初在‘皇家战车’安了一个卡丁车版本以为只是浪费游戏币不过现在看来花这么多游戏币真是值啊。逃过那个感觉上跟噩梦没两样的惩罚真是太好了!能活着真是太好了!”我遍开着卡丁车遍喜悦地感叹着从angelila koko的手中逃出来的自由的感觉。

“珍爱生命,远离病娇。话说当初我也许不该给koko病娇属性呢。”这时angelila koko和桜雪突然传送到了我的身边但是当她们落地之后我已经开到她们的前方了。

“ying xue,now is the chance.”


“railgun(physical).”angelila koko直接冲向束搏器,并用拳头使它加速。束搏器以惊人的速度向我飞来。

束搏器困住我后angelila koko轻轻地一拉,我就从卡丁车中被拉出来,吐槽到“早知道我就不该立死亡flag的...”被拉出卡丁车之后我就因为惯力而飞向angelila koko并被她抱在怀中。

“master it is time for your punishment~. don't worry i am generous enough to not count your attempt escape into your punishment in which you can thank me later. now it is time to go back home and take your punishment~.”angelila koko 一只手紧紧地抱着我一只手打开了通向家的次元门并走进去,桜雪也紧跟其后。



“master it’s me koko.”


“if that is the case then let me give you some options. 1. the situation you are in right now for a week. 2. be my pet and feed off from bread and my bodily fluid. 3.well why don’t you guess it for yourself?”angelila koko听上去像是越到后面说的越开心,所以以我的推断我断定最后那个选择是决定性的不能选的。

不知为何这时我的理性忽然回来了一点用着那仅有一点的理性我想angelila koko问到“能给我其他的选择吗?”

angelila koko听到这句话后感到有点失望,她说:“yes,death. if that is what you are waiting for then i can make it a painless one if you want to.”



angelila koko这时变得比较好奇并向我问到:“eh? so what is your idea?”


angelila koko看上去似乎像是我的提案不在他的思想范围,她突然恍然大悟并说:“oh————, that is right. i can just make you my play thing. that would just be perfect in this situation.”


angelila koko尴尬的笑着“well if that is what you want then why not make the third choice that. i was going to go with what you wish for at the time but if that is your decision then why not make it the reality.”


最后因为无论如何也想不出解脱方法反而使的压力且因为自己的愚蠢使我的身心渐渐的变得疲惫不堪,最后倒在地上睡了过去。直到醒来之后都没发现我从被关押之后发现angelila koko的那一瞬间开始就一直抓着angelila koko不放度过了一天。


angelila koko把头转向桜雪后说:“that is true however i did notplan to make him really do it through. thatbecause i truly want master to live with as little horror as possibleespecially the one that i made. also its better to make him scare of me from time to time in order to pull him toward me as long time hostage only will make him want to leave me more and short time scare will make him be able to be bonded with me.”


“now come to think of it it would be good if master did choose one out of the three option that i give to him and he is sooooo close to be insane enough to do it but someone has to pull out medicine and ruin the whole show. which make me a bit sad.”


“oh yea that is right. i’ll put on master’s cloth for him you go get dressed yourself.”


下午angelila koko背着还在睡觉的我跟着桜雪狩猎着会长所说的树妖并拿着战利品在冒险者公会兑换成货币后一天就过去了。



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