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1chapter evil maiden

  • 绝殇
  • 落幽冥
  • 2022-03-29 20:44:48
1chapter evil maiden

The storytelling of legend from the era of remote that does transit-say the evil maiden who uses the sword of flame in the hand to fly-swing and flutter as the fairy of flame, she flips the right hand of herself to wave as the swing-willow also yet she is ruining once the world and planet as the people or immortal.

The commoners forget already the event and incident of yore when the incident of period flies and flows toward the distance with the heaven from the epic of who does replay the event of yore in the mind of himself in the now site. However, the monster and science that exists together in the world and earth, the people uses the weapon of advance to shield and save the city of remain granted embraces the giant wall to encircle the refuge, the monster of darkness reveals and appears to kill the human by eating to supplement the energy of himself when the night falls the earth that the world becomes the hell of evil. You are seeing the demon to fight the other wolf of evil or the serpent of world when you steps on the wall in the time of moment granted yet then the monster does not enter the inside of wall since the weapon of science and the weapon of immortal to kill them when they wander to the wall of near. It is once, exists the creature of magic as the maiden which are transforming the monster that follows the monster of outside with the battling such as the maiden of magic is just the maiden of evil, indeed perhaps she is once the human in the time of yore, who is knowing and recording she to transform the evil maiden with the path?

The maiden of evil says the word that I am returning the planet and earth for the revenge toward the commer as the frame when she die in the place by the killing for people, who is knowing the word that is the real? Solar as the maiden of commoner, who are going to the outside of city to find and discover the food for feed the family when the sun arises to the sky, she wanders and runs to the cave of remote from the city in the non-consciousness that guides to she entering the darkness field. She does not see and insight the floor in the darkness plus perhaps the floor exists the skull and skeleton in the inside that makes to stretch the hand for touch the rock of cave to enter the inside of hole granted yet she inspects only the skull in the end that this makes she to scream for the fearing of heart. The here is there a grave of who is buried in the space?

In Sudden, it shines the ray and light of red from the top of cave that emerges the shield of sunshine, she sees the both side who uses hand to touch the shied shell also yet it makes the returning of flipping hence she fears in the situation for she does not recognize the event in the time of yore. It surrounds her by the sunshine of red from the gravestone in the cave, the light of someone does into her body that contributes to the cave to become the red sunshine of all side, she screams for the fearing granted then she listens the sound and voice of haunt such as the word is repeating the hating and hating for the creature of all, her skin changes the red granted then her head and body transforms and grows the corner and claw and scale like-seem the loong. In gradually, the solar light falls granted the lunar light raises since it appears and wanders in the world and planet from the darkness, which is the evil monster granted then they is the god lord of evil which is 13 lord by them pampering that makes they as the inborn power more than the human of all.

In the planet, it does not the people who can kill the evil monster granted yet it exists and has the maiden by human incarnates the evil monster toward the human of all for the masscare that is the result about the non-people knowing and recognizing of why is she do in the time of yore? Parhaps her mind and muse exist the hating yet this is not understand by the any human. However, the legend starts, it is occurring again to the maiden who incarates the evil demon.

The evil demon and evil serpent and wolf that they strikes the shield light, which is sends and emits the voice of ghostly event, it does not makes the mind of human to gallbladder like cold granted fears the striking of monster while the maiden seems that does not hear the sound. In suddenly, the shield crushes, she roams to the outside of shield, her eyes emits the bloodred sunshine that seems she who does not the herself, she uses the hand as the claw to strike the monster, in moment, it changes the dust by the tough of claw, her hands incarates the claw granted then she incarates the loong into the complete event, she sends the voice of sob and howl granted meanwhile her mouth eats the evil demon as the food, the evil demon scares to back by step granted then they sees she as the prey. Who can pray for the wish of tomorrow?

She fights toward the outside of cave with the monsters, in the time, fifth dimension waves in the field in slowly granted then the space covers the hole of darkness that makes one hundred sort monster the nervous and fearing to send and emit the screaming and howl granted then the diffusing escapes the zone and here, in suddenly, the bang from the inside of hole that is appearing figure high more than one hundred meter of the ape of titans, which is same to the ape of common also yet it exists the giant tusk as the ancient evil beast which sends and emits the roar, the grass and wood blows and flies to the heaven like the day of end granted the luna disappears to become the vanish from the space that the sky becomes the chaos. It arises the herd of evil of odd behind the evil beast of titans like the demon of evil god that seems eating the earth granted however the maiden of loong sembles the horror of non-existing that she roars toward the heaven and beast, it sembles the maiden of inside as the evil thing toward the fate about the howl and roaring.

The light of red from her eyes incarates the great more than the time of yore that muates the event to she granted then her body occurs and happens the mutation of odd and magic, in gradually, her incarnates three the head of dragon and three the wing of feather about the long body like the snake granted then four the claw and two the corner after the head also yet three the head of dragon, per head is difficulting to the head of other among three the head that exists the red, bule, and darkness. The head of darkness seems the demon of evil lord from the septuple hell granted then the head of red sembles the red dragon of common. Her figure and body become more than one hundread meter granted then more than the evil ape of titans in the time of moment.

In moment, the evil ape strikes to the dragon of loong from the time as she incarnates the dragon of the three head that contributes to the result about the reflex toward the striking. Luna dragon receives the attacking from the evil ape also then luna other two head that it replies to the combating, the ray of darkness by the head of darkness sends granted the flame of red by the head of darkness emits granted then two claw does carry and bring the force of darkness as fifth dimension that can tear the dimension and space since the force cuts the object of all from the universe, this is the non-existing of non-sharp.

The ape obtains the deadly straking from fifth dimension about the dragon of maiden as the darkness power that tears the chest of evil ape, in later the evil abstracts the stick of rock from the floor that grasps in the fore limb granted then flips toward the head of blue around the dragon of maiden that she receives the thump from the evil of ape. The wound of ape revives and recovers in the time of moment, the force of space that not makes also the damage of great for the ape about the evil from the fore time.

The dragon of maiden eats the pain that flies toward the heaven like the beam of flowing granted then she flaps to fly from the wing of feather that does semble the snake of dance, that flexible figure strikes to the evil from the both side of sky that becomes the result about the non-shield and replying, the ape about evil does embrace only the stick of rock by the attacking from the dragon granted then the fighting per fifth dimension with the force of darkness. Sees and inspects the damage that does expand for attacking from the heaven, the ape seems the non-receiving about the striking that makes it takes the stick to strike toward the earth granted then the power of gravity diffuses toward the direction and orientation of all, in suddenly the heaven falls and collapses and earth breaches from the leap also even it likes the day of ruining. The remote city contains the wave from the combat, the shield system of city gain the damage from war that makes the city to run and occur the war about big and little.

Indeed, the force of ape is so the great that does seem-cause the dragon of maiden that outrage for the combat, two head appears and arises the expression of evil granted then the dragon head of darkness reveals the appearance of sneer for the ape. She flies to the welkin for attacking from up side to down side that three the head shoot the ray about darkness granted then two claw grabs and flips the trace of claw around the darkness as fifth dimension, the size of energy is existing the thousand meters to cover the evil ape of all, the ape destines for die even if it is so the strength and power. In moment, it appears and arises the hole from the floor granted in later she rushes into the inside of hole about the darkness that she sees one billion or infinite the demon and beast of evil, in moment she flies out from the inside.

She flies toward the city of lately, also yet the city is already non-existent by the attacking. The monster in the earth seeks and finds the human as the prey, it does semble the hell, the scream of ghostly event from the earth granted the human howls for the family, this is once to feed and foster she about site, also yet perhaps she does forgo and forget from the time as incarnates the evil, the face expression from the she that it does not see and discover the lament and yammer, does the shy-lord murmur for the commoner of earth? Why is the human?



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